Oh look, that's me! My god, my coat looks magnificent.
So, humans, as I have started this project on a whim, I've decided to start off with some daily wonderment of my life. If you have requests of topics for me to cover, I would gladly entertain my adoring public (especially if treats and pettings are involved as payment). Should you need any advice on how to be as fierce and awesome as I am, I'd be happy to impart my knowledge.
I, however, have a question for all of you out there. Why does my human insist on trying to get me to go outside when WATER IS FALLING FROM THE SKY?! Do these people not understand what that does to my fur?! Not to mention the fact that I would get mud all over my paws. Am I the only dog who feels this way? I mean, who in their right mind decides "Oh yes, I'd love to run about in 30 degrees of freezing rain so I can be wet and cold and smell funny afterwards!" Honestly, I do not have to go to the bathroom that badly. I don't think I'll EVER have to go that badly. And if you force me out, I will just scratch down your door until you let me back in to shake the rain all over you. Enjoy that one.
Dear S.B., I, also, have 4 legs and crazy owners. Happen to live in Florida, in a nice house with fairly well trained humans for owners. Biggest problem is: the cat and that other dog who live here, too. They think they own the place! I'm pretty e-z going, so the others drive me up a wall! My favorite human is the babe who lives across the street from us. She visits me occasionally. Sometimes when I'm out for a walk with the male human, I will drag him across the street just to let that babe pet me. I get all crazy! I have a red football that is JUST mine. Tonight, I gave it to her, personally. My human couldn't believe it. I shocked them good. Maybe next time she'll bring me a treat or somethin'. Roscoe D.